District Governance Program

The District Governance Program, a companion piece to the Superintendent Induction Program for newly appointed superintendents, has been designed to focus on continuous improvement and build greater understanding of both the distinct roles and responsibilities of the school committee and district superintendent as well as promote new strategies for teamwork and collaboration to enhance student achievement.

Each participating school district cohort, consisting of the school committee members and the superintendent, will be coached in five two-hour workshops by a highly skilled and trained team of MASC consultants and former superintendents. The curriculum will be presented and customized to meet the particular needs and challenges of each district.


Building an effective governance team is not unlike building a schoolhouse. In five two-hour workshops (which can be done over a matter of weeks/months, or matter of days–whatever works for your schedule), participating committees will be coached through the process of “constructing” their governance “schoolhouse.”

The Five Basic Sessions Are:

Session I – Operating Protocols (Building the Foundation)

Session II – Overarching Goals (Raising the Frame)

Session III – Monitoring Progress (Installing the Infrastructure)

Session IV – Effective Meetings (Setting the Walls)

Session V – Sustaining Progress (Laying the Roof)

(Two additional optional sessions on Using Data for Student Achievement and Collective Bargaining in an Age of Accountability are extensions to the Governance Program).

Contact the MASC office or your MASC Field Director for more information.