Division V Meeting: Advocating for our Schools

Division V is expanding upon their successful local event, Advocating for our Schools, to reach across districts throughout Massachusetts. By locking arms across similar communities we can plan our approach to meeting with specific legislators and their staff in the lead-up to the MAY 6th DAY ON THE HILL*. Join us for a virtual meeting on April 25th from 5:30 – 7 pm as we form teams and work together to hone our messaging and leverage one another’s legislative reach to advance three goals:

  1. Rural Aid that needs to be fully funded at $60 million, rather than the $15 million presented in the Governor’s budget;
  2. An implicit price deflator (1.35%) that more fully reflects actual Inflation (4.5%); and
  3. A commitment by the legislature to form a special education transportation/tuition study group as described in the THRIVE ACT.


(*) Before attending, be sure to call your district’s senator and representative and secure time on their calendar for the afternoon of May 6th.

5:30pm Update on legislative priorities – Jason Fraser, President-Elect and Legislative Chair of MASC
6:00      Breakout rooms by goal
6:30      Shareout
7:00      Adjourn

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