Policy Update: EBCFA – Face Coverings

During the next few weeks, School Committees will be deciding whether masks will be required on school property for all or some students and staff in the 2021-2022 school year.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC), Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), and Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) have all recommended that masks or face coverings be worn in school buildings and on school grounds. While each agency strongly recommends the wearing of masks, each stopped short of requiring them. This has forced local school committees to make the determination.

Masking on school buses is already required by the Center for Disease Control and a copy of the requirement is linked as a resource document on the attached policy.
School Committees and Superintendents should consult with their local Board of Health regarding
best medical and public health practices for school reopening and to keep current on the rapidly
evolving public health information surrounding COVID-19, masking, and vaccination, as well as any
changes to related federal, state, or local recommendations or requirements.

MASC has updated Policy File EBCFA: Face Coverings to reflect new guidance documents received from the CDC, DESE, and the DPH, as well as updated text to reflect the recommendations made by the three agencies.

To ensure the safety of staff and students, MASC is recommending each School Committee adopt this revised policy which extends the face covering requirement from the school bus to the classroom, and all outside areas where social distancing cannot be observed.

Download Policy
Download Announcement