Resolutions on COVID-19 Expenses and Response to Social, Economic & Racial Justice in Our Communities

The MASC Board of Directors has recommended that the attached resolutions be forwarded to our Resolutions Committee for consideration of the entire MASC membership. The resolutions address a) funding for the expenses related to COVID-19 including supplies and equipment needed to help schools reopen safely that originated with some of our CT Valley school committees and b) the response to issues of racism, equity, and diversity that have moved to center stage as the result of the events across the country during the past few weeks as developed by Denise Hurst, MASC Vice President and former Chair of the Minority Caucus, and Jake Oliveira, MASC Past President and Member of Directors of the National School Boards Association Board of Directors.

Because of the urgency and timeliness of both issues, the we are encouraging districts to consider them locally and respond by forwarding them to:

  • Governor Baker
  • Education Secretary Peyser
  • Your State Senator and Representative
  • Senate President Karen Spilka
  • House Speaker Robert DeLeo

and that you do so immediately during this fiscal and public health crisis and the call for social and economic equity.

We hope to be providing soon more information on the 2020 MASC Delegate Assembly which will consider these and a range of other important public policy issues. In the meantime, we offer them to your school committees for consideration at this time.

Download Resolutions