Bullying Prevention
File: JICFB The ____________________ Public Schools is committed to providing a safe, positive and productive educational environment where students can
Mass. Association of School Committees
File: JICFB The ____________________ Public Schools is committed to providing a safe, positive and productive educational environment where students can
File: IJNDD The Superintendent and the School Principals will annually remind staff members and orient new staff members concerning the
File: EBCD The superintendent may close the schools or dismiss them early in the event of hazardous weather or other
File: EBC Advance planning for emergencies and disasters is essential to provide for the safety of students and staff, it
File: EB Accidents can result in tragic consequences-bodily harm, loss of school time, property 6m-age, legal action, and even fatality.
File: JICFA-E CH. 269. S. 17. CRIME OF HAZING; DEFINITION; PENALTY Whoever is a principal organizer or participant in the
File: ACAB All persons associated with the public schools including, but not necessarily limited to, the committee, the administration, the
File: JBA Harassment of students by other students will not be tolerated in the (Name of District) public Schools. This
File: JJH STUDENT TRAVEL All student trips which include late night or overnight travel must have prior approval of the
It shall be the policy of the _______ Public Schools to obtain all available Criminal Offender Record Information (C.O.R.I) from